General duty Guards Bangalore
These security personnel look after patrolling services, monitoring CCTV surveillance equipment, inspecting threats and providing safety and security to employees. These guards are un-armed security guard and work under security managers. Every General duty guards are assigned specific task and play important role in safeguarding life of person or property. General duty guards are multi tasked and can be utilized in various places in security places. These Security Guard Services in Bangalore can work in shops, apartments, industries, organization or MNC companies as well.
Responsibilities of General Duty Guards
- To take preventive measures for safeguarding property or assets of organization.
- Restricting unauthorized access to avoid entry of non authorized people in campus.
- Preventive measures by informing or reporting any irregularities and restraining trespassers.
Qualification of General Duty guards
All security guards are High school passed or have completed matriculation. They can read, write & understand English, Hindi or Local language. These guards can be used for various purpose and can also check entry and exits by managing records.
Salary and pay scale of General Duty Guards
Salary and pay scale of General duty guard can vary according to education qualification and can be judged by internal security written test or evaluation done by organization internally. They can get bonus or incentives according to their work and performance.

How efficient are General Duty Guards for security services?
General duty guards are proficient as well as efficient guards. They undergo training for security services and are recruited on the basis of overall performance in the training test. They are able to handle complex challenges in security of person and safeguarding property and assets of organization.In order to become General Security Guard you must apply for the post in Oteba Security agency. You will be asked to give a written test for examining your written and verbal skills.
Then you will be interviewed by security manager and will send your application for BGV [Back ground verification]. BGV involves verifying any criminal records in pasts, code of conduct in previous company if experienced etc. Then they are given on job training in our private security firm. On successful clearance of on job training they are sent on to required destination for providing Personal Security Guard in Bangalore. They also receive offer letter which mentions their post of recruitment and pay scale.
Prerequites for General duty guards
- Robust and athletic physique
- Work efficient and analyze the security threats quickly.
- Take preventive measures beforehand to avoid complex security issues
Our clients
Driving Security for leading brands