Our clients
Driving Security for leading brands

As bank is a financial institution, it requires safe and secure cash van security service. Oteba security is lifeline of all bank security. We provide safest cash escort service in Bangalore and have been ranked No.1 for providing Bank security services. Bankers trust our security as we provide best escort persons for safeguarding bank assets and property. Oteba also provides most advanced technologies to protect and ensures safety of Bank employees and property. Our security guard can be gunman or un armed but they are well trained and professionals in handling emergency situation. Oteba has been into security services for banking services for many years and have worked with most reputed government or private banks in Bangalore.
Bank is the place where we find huge cash and that is why there is maximum risk of burglary. To cope up with the situation and protecting the bank from any robbery we must safeguard these bank assets with trusted Security Agency in Bangalore. Oteba security Group is one of the leading escort security service providers in Bangalore and has provided full safety and security to many leading banks here in Bangalore.
Sometimes there is some medical emergency with the customer or Bank employees hence they need to sent to the hospital immediately. Bank employees cannot involve in these tasks otherwise the financial work will be hampered. These types of cases must be handled by someone to save the life in medical emergency. Our security manager can check all types of risk involved in bank premises and safeguard customer as well as bank employees.
Oteba Bank Personal Security Services Bangalore are one of the best because we use most advanced technical gadgets to automate our security services. Installing fire alarm system in Bank allows alarming bank employees in case of fire emergency. Generally it is seen that fire broke out due to electrical wiring issues. To avoid such accidents we provide smoke detectors and precipitators inside bank premises.
We also provide fire training to all bank staffs so that they can use fire extinguishers at the time of emergency. We also use dry sand to extinguish the fire. There may be times when we have to face natural calamity like earthquake etc. In that situation quick movement of bank staffs to safer place could save their life. That is why our security guards are trained for facing such emergency situation.
Besides providing manual help in form of Corporate Security Guards in bank premises we also offers Oteba automated Banking security services. This includes integrated fire alarm system, smoke and fire detector, burglar alarm system and broken glass detector installation inside the bank. This helps to signal and alert all Bank employees of any danger and they can prepare themselves for protection within time. This system also sends information to nearest police station in case of any robbery for immediate help. Our Bank security system is most advanced and has zero fake reports to police station. We follow zero tolerance of unsocial activities within bank premises and keep suspicious people away from bank. In this way we keep bank safe. We can also ask for liquor test to people to avoid drunken people misbehave inside bank. In case of illicit liqueur activities found is reported to police station immediately. Improper behavior with lady inside bank property is dealt as critical issue and necessary action is taken to safeguard female inside the bank floors. It is seen that women are mostly molested in bank areas as there are huge crowds and people take advantage of touching here and there to females.